RPA White papers

In this white paper, you will find out which robots are suitable and what they can do for you. You will also discover what the advantages are and find a checklist to assess whether robotisation can make a difference in your educational institution.

Want to know everything about RPA? Download your free white paper here. In this white paper, we use a simple checklist to determine whether Robotic Process Automation can benefit your organisation.

Request an introductory consultation with one of our specialists to find out how RPA can be implemented in your organisation.

Find out which robots are suitable for improving customer contact and what they can do for you. Use the checklist to assess whether a robot is the right choice for your organisation.

This may look like the future, but in several organisations it is already a reality. Most organisations, however, still lose a lot of time as they work with different applications within their business systems.
Artificial Intelligence / AI

Pegamento implements AI in different ways in various orders of magnitude at companies in a variety of industries. In this white paper, we discuss our findings, recommendations, and implementation strategies
Knowledge Management

Do you want to reduce the pressure on your customer contact employees while they are working at home? Effective knowledge management ensures fewer phone calls and less cluttered email inboxes. Read all about it in this free white paper, which includes a practical five-step plan.
Communicating with your employees

In times of labour market shortages, internal communication needs to ensure that good employees stay with the organisation. Not surprisingly, budgets for internal communication are growing. Relevance and the number of employees are an important factor in this regard.
Image Recognition

Want to be totally up to date on the possibilities of image recognition in 2022? Download your free white paper here. We will also tell you, without any obligation, whether image recognition is applicable within your organisation.
Video Assistant

In this white paper, we discuss the Video Assistant and how it impacts your customer service in detail. Download it for free!
Customer Contact

Create the ultimate customer experience with Sprinklr
Consumers are increasingly looking for convenience and good service. It is no longer just about product and price. How you interact with your customers makes or breaks your business. And your customers are only too happy to share their thoughts about your business with others. They talk to and about your brand via the channel of their choice. How should you handle this? Find out in the free white paper.

Download the '5 customer contact trends in contact centres' PDF for free and get access to tips for capitalising on these trends. It's also easy to share with your colleagues. Is your customer service ready to go in 2022?

Enhancing customer experience success with a unified approach
New findings from Forrester Consulting in collaboration with Sprinklr reveal what companies need to overcome to deliver great customer experiences - and why unified customer experience management (CXM) platforms provide a competitive advantage. Download it for free.

The total economic impact of Sprinklr Modern Care
Customers increasingly rely on digital channels for customer service. Customer service organisations need to meet customers at the right points in their journey to offer assistance. Read what Sprinklr Modern Care contributes to this goal in this free white paper.