On 15 November 2022, Pegamento proudly received Kiwa ISO 9001 certification. We hereby demonstrate that our processes comply with international quality standards and that we attach great value to customer wishes, quality, and continuous improvements.
Over the past year, we reviewed our quality management systems at Pegamento and updated them where necessary to meet the requirements. ''Our goal was to set up our services in such a way that our processes are improved and business opportunities are maximised with the customer in mind,'' says Security Specialist Peter Dufrenne. ''For the certification, we didn't have to do much. All our processes were already documented, so we already largely complied with Kiwa's guidelines. It now gives us more insight to continue working on our quality of service.''
To take this further, Pegamento has set up a management system that works according to the 'Plan-Act-Do-Check' principle. The aim is to go one step further with the quality objectives each time. This principle has already been set up for ISO 27001 information security, and next year this will also be done for ISO 9001.
''This way, we can measure whether quality is controlled throughout all processes, from sales to support. It gives us insight into where we can improve. We were already doing that, of course, but ISO 9001 gives us extra tools to further optimise our quality.''
An organisation must first go through a thorough certification process before it can and may obtain certification. This process took place at Pegamento last year. During the trajectory, an independent accredited certification body assessed the organisation's compliance with the ISO 9001 criteria. Peter Dufrenne took charge during the process. Together with all employees, he followed the process before proudly accepting the certificate.