Business Subscription


Cloud Contact is part of Pegamento

The business subscription with which you are available on your business and private numbers via one mobile phone

Do your employees carry both a business and a private phone? Or do they use their personal number as a work number, with the result that it no longer remains personal? And with the chance that when they leave your organisation, for whatever reason, they still get calls from your customers or suppliers?

There is an alternative option. Imagine being able to guarantee the privacy of your employees' private numbers and having them walk around with only one phone. And that your employees can choose whether they want to make private or business calls. This would be useful, wouldn't it?

All of this is possible with Pegamento's business subscription, by porting numbers on SIM cards and regulating business and private numbers in the Reach app. And there's more. Every employee can choose whether they prefer the Vodafone or KPN network. A business data (GB) bundle can also be arranged, allowing colleagues to exchange data (GB) among themselves.

Business and private numbers on a single phone

Decide for yourself when you are available privately and for business

Optimally accessible to your customers, suppliers, and colleagues

Innovation in contact with our business subscription

Accessibility is more important than ever. And the workplace has changed from being office-based to a hybrid working environment. Your business reachability is thus also shifting from your business location to a more private space. Despite this change, you want to remain accessible to your customers, suppliers, and colleagues. Which is why we offer this digital solution: a business subscription where you can place your business and private numbers on a single SIM card. This way, you can continue to collaborate effectively with your colleagues from wherever you work and to provide the best possible service to your customers.

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