Ger Koedam – Customer Contact Consultant

Ger Koedam - Customer Contact Consultant

How can I help you? That is pretty much the first question I ask when talking to people who are curious about our services. In such a conversation, the engagement of the senses is very important. Because not everyone is the same. Some people think in images, while for others words or how something feels are important. For me, sight and hearing are the most beautiful senses, because both eyes and ears absorb information and can convey or process emotions.

As a little boy, I loved listening to audio plays, translating them into appropriate images in my head. In fact, I still do the same thing now at Pegamento. I translate the information I receive into solutions that improve contact or make a process more efficient. Think, for example, of a knowledge base with validated information, so that everyone in an organisation gives the same correct answers. And if it is not a person, but a system that has to give answers, these come from the same knowledge base. Nothing is as good as technology doing the work for you at the moment it is relevant. That is the Human Lead, or intuition, of Pegamento!

This piece was written by Ger Koedam, Customer Contact Consultant at Pegamento.

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